Sunday, May 15, 2016

MAY 15 2016 (NOW: Once a month BLOG POST)

MAY 15 2016

Now I am a few Months into this I will be posting on the 15th of each month as not much changes week to week at this point. So a monthly update as well as my 1st of the month post of stat changes!

Once upon a time I worked for this great company called Famous Players, who was bought out by Cineplex. I worked there a short time after being bought out, and my life had a major set back, take you back to the first blog post of my journey. My brother passed away, and I realised I was living to work and not working to live. I had things to prove back then 10+ years ago, and was a female in a male dominated business and worked really hard, too hard, and it was pure exhaustion and wore me out. I worked so many hours, and did a lot of work that was beyond my level to get ahead, climb the corp. ladder so-to speak, and when Adam passed away, I checked out of life and work. Since that point I travelled, found myself, redefined myself and worked at a few places, but settled for working for London Drugs, and for reasons I wont get into on here I am walking away and back into the waiting arms of Cineplex. With my Injuries this will be hugely beneficial to get me healthy and well. It will also help with my weight loss process and I am excited to revisit this career path with new eyes, more maturity and a sense of not having to prove myself, and help make Cineplex the best place to work. I am moving back into a Management Role and will have a big role in helping with the success of this business. I am excited and ready for this change. It will be helpful for all aspects of my life and look forward to see what the future brings.

NEW CAR:With my new Job, I need to commute up island and I could not make that trip daily with the car I have so I needed an upgrade. So We bought a new car! Whoot whoot. I have never owned anything new before. 10+ years old is the newest car I have ever owns so I am so excited about this little gem I now have. A 2014 Ford Focus, black metallic, fully loaded hatchback! Its perfect, has room for Bailey, great fuel economy, and is NEW!!!!! Heated seats, hands free...etc etc exciting!

TMI I know but a reality of this journey.

New POOP Line Up

Still Having issues with Constipation, and here is some information on this. I may have to ask Doctor as I am doing everything right and still having issues. Have asked in Dr. Z group and it appears lots of people struggle with this after surgery. So don't fret, it is just another simple side affect of the surgery. Note that your bowels will never be the same, as the food intake is so drastically different, and of min amounts. The average "GO" after surgery is 1-3 times a week as to each day like before, so keep that in mind. Here is some information:

Constipation after Surgery
Constipation is occasionally seen in some folks after surgery. As we age, constipation is seen more often but some of us have issues from earlier age. It is never comfortable but can be especially problematic after a recent weight loss surgery. It is important to prevent constipation because of potential problems such as straining, hemorrhoids, and hernias. Constipation is occasionally seen after some bariatric surgery, such as sleeve gastrectomy. Dietary recommendations and the amount of food you will be eating can cause alterations to your digestive tract that may make you more susceptible to constipation problems.

Immediately after surgery the normal movement of your digestive tract that moves food from one end to the other will be less than normal. Changes to your digestive tract and  the composition of food moving through will be different.  Also you may be drinking less than before and it will cause you to be slightly dehydrated. Pain medication also interferes with normal bowel movements so there are a variety of reasons you might have trouble with constipation.
Bowel habits vary between people, whether they have had weight loss surgery or not. For some, going three times a day is normal while for others having three bowel movements per week is normal. Because it permanently changes part of your digestive tract, weight loss surgery can change your bowel habits, so it may be some time before you know what your “new” normal is going to be.
Before you take any action, make sure you are constipated. “Not going” is not the same as being constipated. If you move your bowels at least once every three days and are not suffering any abdominal discomfort, you are probably not constipated and do not need to take any action. Talk with your doctor about it, especially if you experience pain or difficulty when passing hardened stool.

Avoiding Constipation after Weight Loss Surgery

You may need to take a stool softener for the first month or so after weight loss surgery. After that, you may be able to increase your fluid and fiber intake enough to control constipation. You may need to add 2 to 3 tablespoons of fiber to a big glass of water and take it 1 to3 times per day. You can improve regularity by eating raw fiber vegetable every day.
Starting about three weeks after weight loss surgery, you may increase your intake of vegetables, and beans to improve regularity. Drinking plenty of water may be the most important thing you can do for constipation. Drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water each day. To get this much fluid will require that you sip frequently from a water bottle throughout the day.
Exercise daily. In addition to improve your physical condition, it will put tone in your muscles and make you feel better. Remember, physical activity like walking alone, stimulates bowel activity to reduce constipation.
Again, talk with us at the first sign of a problem and we will provide you with a strategy to get you going again.

Some days I wake up and think, I need a day off, I don't wanna walk, I am not into this today or I hurt to much. AND then I remind myself of this fabulous second chance I have been given, and snap out of it. I treat each day, each walk, each workout as a job for my body. If I didn't show up at actual work I would get fired, so my body cant miss a shift of work either. Sucks some day, and just like at work I may be half ass-ing it or having an off day, BUT I show up. I get it done because I need to give my body what it deserves, and food to maintain it, but need that burn as well. What's 1/2 hrs of your day...nothing. I also play the mind game with myself of I would be letting Bailey down, because even when I go to the gym or track or whatever activity I do, I make sure I also walk Bailey for 1/2 hr which she rarely lets me forget now that we are in a routine. Going back to work I was worried about how I was going to get it all in being I will commute for a couple hours now, and then I thought about it again...I have no choice. I gotta get it done. I will go out on a lunch break for a walk, and then again before or after work. AGAIN, not an option, its now part of my life. Gonna take a bit more planning but it will happen.
I am excited about starting work. Tomorrow is a whole new world and a new start. This year has been all sorts of first and is going well so far. The only set back is my injury which wont be permanent.

I have to say how frustrated I am about this hair loss. Not just a bit, but since the 2 month mark my hair is falling out in chunks. Every time I wash my hair tons fall out into the tub, when I brush I am overwhelmed by the amount of hair in my brush, and I notice everywhere around me there is hair, hair hair. I will be driving and th wind blowing pulls it out, my chair is covered, my clothes are covered each day, and it is just frustrating. I cut my hair short as I have thick hair and thought maybe the weight of this is making it fall out faster, but that didn't help. I was horrified this week when I saw that I have balding patches at the top of my head. OMG how on earth am I gonna deal with this. So pathetic that my hair is the biggest issue I have in life. I try to remind myself that hair is just hair, and it will grow back but its would be wrong of me to not think it is a vanity thing, and we as woman love our hair...its important, how others view me is important. Then again I say, there are people who have Cancer and lose it all, and then I'm humbled again. The hair loss is suppose to last 6 months while your body is recovering, and once you get through the 'starving' stage of this journey it starts to grow back. Remember that this is normal with this surgery, as your body isn't getting enough nutrients (low calorie diet), so your body pulls from other areas (head hair). At least my husband loves me whole heartedly, and is overly reminding me how beautiful I am right now as he sees how it is affecting me. Love that man.

Stay Tuned ~ Nat

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new car; it really does look quite nice. I still remember when I got my new car; I was afraid to leave it in a parking lot or at work, for fear that someone might dent the doors. So I would park it in a place with no other cards. I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks.
