Sunday, January 31, 2016



My surgeon Dr. Z is an amazing man, however even someone as great as him needs a team behind him.

Go Light Bariatrics
is one of the travel companies Dr. Z uses. It was a perfect fit for me.
Their goal is to set up all travel, accommodation, appointments, and work closely with Dr. Z team to schedule my surgery and take all payments. They pick you up in San Diego and are with you every step of the way, until they return you to the airport once your ready to return home. My amazing coordinator is Claudia, with whom I would be lost without. She is amazing at helping me understand the process and gets any information I need from Dr. Z.  Irene, has been assigned as my English speaking driver, and will pick me up at the airport, drop me off, but also drive me anywhere I need to go in Mexico, including my appointments, the hospital, shopping, touristy things. She will also look after Chris's needs while I am in the hospital. Taking him for food etc.

Hospital Team:
Dr. Zavalza- Surgeon.

I decided to become a surgeon because I love surgery“, – said Dr. Francisco Zavalza when we asked him about one of the most important decisions in his life. “Surgery gives more opportunities to resolve health problems permanently. Bariatric surgery in particular is a very effective tool to solve weight loss problems. And it is not simply an aesthetic issue. Obesity is a leading cause of preventable diseases and death in North America. In recent years, the number of overweight people (with Body Mass Index of 30 and more) in developed countries has increased significantly. As a matter of fact the World Health Organization (WHO) has called obesity an epidemic. In the United States, for example, over 65% of the adult population is overweight. In Canada, about 40% to 60% of adults have a weight problem. And for me, as a bariatric surgeon, helping people to get healthy, change their lives, see that happy sparkle in their eyes – is the greatest reward! “, – says Dr. Zavalza.
Dr. Francisco Zavalza specializes in all kinds of bariatric procedures, which has been a focus of his practice since early 2011.
Dr. Zavalza states: “Weight loss surgery is a relatively new specialty, but recently  it has become very popular. One could say we are seeing a boom of bariatric surgery these days. The reason why I decided to focus my career on weight loss surgery is due to it`s effectiveness.
In 2006 Dr. Zavalza graduated with honors from one of the most highly ranked medical schools in Mexico – the University of Guadalajara, Jalisco. He received an extensive training in general surgery during his residency years in the General Hospital of Tijuana, Baja California. Having chosen bariatric surgery as his specialization, Dr. Zavalza received a Diploma in Avdanced Laparoscopic Surgery in 2010. For him it is not only a weight loss surgery, it is a long process of healing, changing life, eating habits and mentality. Dr. Zavalza continues communicating with his patients during two years after surgery, providing an extensive follow up care, to insure the successful outcome.

Jocelyn & Andrea - Onsite facilitators. They will be visiting me on the day of your arrival and will go over some paperwork for your hospital admission as well as explain what to expect during your stay in Mexico. They will be visiting you during your recovery as well to make sure you are comfortable and do not lack anything.
                                                   Dr. Tania Medrano

Post-Op Patient care physician who will be taking care of you before and after the surgery. Dr. Tania Medrano is an experienced Patient Care Physician who being a vertical sleeve gastrectomy patient herself has lost 220 pounds. She provides professional care for our patients supported by her personal weight loss surgery experience.

Dr. Jose Luna - Follow up physician and Nutritionist

Home on the Island Team:

Dr. Seymour
~ Is my GP and will be handling all my pre & Post op care back at home. She has all the information needed to care for me. Dr. Z works closely with my GP before I go to Mexico, going through all he stages and what needs to be done when for surgery. He clearly outlines post up instructions in a medical file I bring home with me, as well as will make time for telephone communication arrive home. My GP, Dr. Seymour is so supportive and wants the best for me.  My one piece of advice is if your Doctor isn't supportive, you need to find one that is. This is a life changing procedure, which consists of more self work than you probably have ever done, and you absolutely can not do this alone. It is not an easy way out, and it requires so much work that you need a doctor team behind you.
Nutritionist ~ Not appointed yet.
I plan to get a local nutritionist to work with the Mexican nutritionist.  The reason I have chosen to do so is Dr. Z suggested it, for the benefit to grow my team on both sides of the border. Not only will it be an educational resource for both communicating (phone or skype) but beneficial to me, having two people on my side, many food types will be different between the two places, and even though I will be Skyping with Dr. Jose Luna from Mexico for up to two years post op, having someone I can go into an office and chat to will be rewarding. They will even set up Skype visits at a local nutritionist.

Counsellor: I have chosen to do counselling post op, as I know this will be the hardest thing I have ever done and I am smart enough to know that a lot of it will be mental. There will be mental blocks to get through, some extreme highs and lows, and the ability to work through some of my emotional issues while trying to fit the physical issues just makes sense. Is therapy for everyone...absolutely not...will it work for me...I'm not entirely sure, but I will do whatever it takes to change myself inside and outside to create a fuller rounded person. This struggle is real, and no one talks about weight loss in a serious format, but by me choosing to be so transparent through my journey, I hope this not only helps people who are not struggling understand the stages of weight loss, but anyone going through this that it can be done, and you can better yourself. Me working with a counsellor is the best decision for me to get through this next couple years, and perhaps beyond.

Family & Friends:
I whole~heartedly would be lost without the support of family and friends. We all have a  few of  those solid family & friends you can tell anything. The ones that will never judge you but support you unconditionally.
.....and then you say Mexico.
Then they are conflicted in their minds out of fear, they struggle with knowing me (I research everything to death), and their pre-conceived ideas of what Mexican operations must look like. The back door alley table with rusted tools scenario.
But quickly, after a conversation where I did a lot of listening and answering.
*Tip: Really try before speaking to family & friends to remember that this is your support team. Allow them to ask questions, ask them if they have questions, explain the procedure, the doctor, the team, how hard this will be, that it isn't an easy way out, how much your life will change. The reality is these people already know your struggles, and they will be your support team. You need these people around you and educating them is the first step.
I learned very quickly that I can count on the close people in my life. My husband is the most amazing man and his unconditional love and support fills me with so much love and confidence. He did, like most, have reservations about Mexico, about the huge undertaking we were taking on, and was/is worried for me. I get it, I feel it all as well. I'm a strong woman to onlookers, however I am freaking out inside. He has committed to being the best support team for me which really started the day I booked my surgery, and has continued to this point.
My Parents, really wanted to understand the procedure, and questioned why I couldn't do this here in Canada. The answer is really simple. I have been on a waiting list for as long as I can remember, and would have a few more years on that list. Last year I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes which isn't a death sentence, however diabetes itself starts to break down your body and you have to be on medication to control it, eventually it could lead to sight issues, type 1, limb issues, easy sicknesses, kidney failure etc etc etc. I have tried all forms of weight loss, all diets, all eating and working out I can do within a body this large. It has not worked. I see signs of complications of diabetes already entering my life and I don't want to exist any longer. I want to live out loud, and hopefully undo the effects of diabetes, and I am afraid more of waiting until a spot becomes available in Canada, when I can start correcting what I have done to my body now. From this point on, they have been very supportive in my decision. My mom speaks to Dr. Z on his FB support page which has really helped her understand where I am coming from.
My Friends, I have to say I am so grateful for. Telling my closest friends during the beginning stages of this change was more than I could ask for. Right away they were very supportive to the point of willing to go with me. I needed them during my decision making period of which doctors recommended to me would be the best fit, to holding my hand while I feared I was making the wrong decisions, to just listening to me, crying with me, sharing my fears with me and just talking through things. I am so lucky to have the people in my life I do. I have added any friends that ask to my Dr. Z FB support group where they can see others struggles, educate themselves about the procedures, learn how they can help best and what's to come for me, and also speak directly to Dr. Z with questions or concerns. As the time is getting closer I have begun, nervously letting a few more close friends know, and I am so lucky that it has been a supportive process. I know from reading on the FB support group, that a lot of people do not have that support, or get really negative reactions. I am so grateful that the people who matter most in my life are so willing to ask the questions, share their fears, and ultimately offer me the support I will need.

People in my life, that are not in my core support group, finding out for them may be odd. People (you reading this), may not get it, or understand my choses, or have pre-conceived ideas of what WLS (weight loss surgery) is, or why I went to Mexico. I understand I will get some backlash or negativity as this is the world in which we live when people are in fear or don't have an understanding of a situation. I get it, and I am ready for it. I am prepared to be judged, to be talked about, to be typed cast as the one who took the easy way out. I only ask that you try to be kind, and ask questions. I am going into this completely transparent and will be truthful each step of the way. I can tell you, that this is not the easy way out, that this will be the hardest thing I have ever done, and I don't know who I will be on the flip side. I can not see the future, my successes and failures will be on me, and will be exposed to you all. This is a fight each day to be my best self from here on out. I cant have a bad day, as a bad day for me could have serious consequences as far as food is concerned. Remember that for me to expose myself completely is hard. Each word I write about my physical self, my struggles, and my fears are all really real, and to be completely vulnerable to everyone is the scariest thing I have ever done.

I have always been in control of my emotions and chose wisely what I share with others, so as I be my bravest self all I ask is to please be kind and ask before you judge.

Stay Tuned
Under Construction~ Nat :)

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