Saturday, April 30, 2016

APRIL 24 - APRIL 30 2016 ( Lots of FIRSTS this week and HAIR LOSS, ......Oh My!!!!!)

APRIL 24 - APRIL 30 2016

This week has been so crazy good so far. Lots going on, sooooo much going on. First of all I fit into a size 20 pants, and a 1X shirt. Here I am in the dressing room trying these on. I can see all my flaws still, and I hate that we are our own worst critics. BUT, I was in a size 20, and even my inner self cant dispute how amazing this is for me. It has been over 2 decades since I could fit into a size 20. whoot whoot This is amazing.

Monday I went to the track again before Aqua fit, and I met a personal best and walked 15 laps around the track. Not only did I walk it, BUT in a first moment, I walked fast, JOGGED for a 1/4 of each last 6 laps....YEAH I DID IT. I totally ran. I was so PROUD of myself. I was happy that I could do it, amazed that I did do it, and proud that I didn't give up, cut it short, or stop or make excuses for it. That night I did pay for it with my pain from my accident and had an extreme migraine and lots of pain BUT I did it, I made it happen, and I am so proud of myself. Was the pain worth the feeling of pride I felt....hard to say, and I may have to rest that for a while and not do the running due to the pain, BUT I did do it and that felt amazing. When did I run last...high school in a track meet maybe....say what! so cool.

Another First:
I was able to bring my foot up to me in the air and tie my shoe. May not sound like a big deal, but for someone who finds shoes that I don't have to tie, crunch into crazy positions to tie my shoes, or sit and pull my own leg up to couch or bed to tie my shoe, or slide into a tied shoe, all because I could not reach, or huffed and puffed doing this task it was HUGE. I would always wear flip flops where I went, I would go to a friends house and strategically think of what shoes would be the easiest to take off on and, so to be able to reach my shoe without any issues was awesome. I don't even remember when this happened, but I realized it today so it was pretty special moment. I try to take a moment when I do something amazing and soak it in. I stop whatever I am doing and reflect on where I came from. When I realised that I could do my shoe up, I stopped, photo'ed it, and then just sat for a minute and thought of situations last year where I had troubles doing this, or situations where I couldn't do it. This helps me soak in the importance of these type of moments. I don't want them to pass without acknowledging how far I have come on this journey. I don't want to ever forget where I came from. I want to always stay humble, reflective but rejoice in how BIG a moment like this is.

Today I reached my 100th Workout!
Since The end of Feb, I have worked out 100 times. WHAT?
I don't think I have worked out 100 times in the whole 5 years before this time.

I am so over this hair loss thing. I knew it was coming, as it is a side effect but come on. I did all the stuff I needed to do to try to prevent this, or slow it down. I guess on a positive if I had not done all the prep work it could be a lot worse...right? Lets go with that. Long before surgery I started taking BIOTIN which is suppose to help, and really started only washing a couple times a week. And tried not to brush my hair daily, but the reality is it is inevitable. They say people with thick long or curly hair will have it the worst...well, check, check, and check....all of the above for me. Yikes!
** Note for WLS patients, this seems to happen for most patients at the 2 month mark, and it really does at that point. At 8-9 weeks I started noticing in the shower that it just fell out in clumps, and when I ran the brush through it just fills my brush. Luckily I have a lot of hair and haven't got any balding spots yet...thank goodness. I am kinda annoyed that I have spent so long growing my hair for my wedding last year, but also just wanted to grow long curly hair and enjoy it as I am mature enough to deal with this crazy uncontrollable curly thick hair I have hated my whole life, but embraced it last year and was loving how it looked as I finally 30+ years out learned how to manage it. I know, its hair right?!!? The process is meant to last approx. 8 months of losing hair and then starts to slow down or stop, once you transition into more balanced diet.
Each clump of hair is from 1 time brushing my hair.
YIKEs right. This scares me.
Did it 2 days in a row so you could see. Visual is better than just saying I lose a lot of hair.

BUT I made a big choice/decision.
I have chosen to cut it all off, to lighten it up, to help keep as much of my hair as possible. So here is my new do...what do you think?

I also bought some Shampoo, and Conditioner that they say helps, but not holding my breath. But some say it works.
Here is some information I found that helps explain the Hair Loss:
Are you considering gastric sleeve surgery and feel fear of hair loss? We explain you here how to prevent it or how to reduce this side effect to the fullest.
Hair loss after gastric sleeve surgery is a very common concern for any patient who will undergo any bariatric procedure such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass; however we believe that like many other circumstances surrounding weight loss surgery, they are more myths than realities which occur mainly due to lack of adequate information.
Hair loss after gastric sleeve surgery can happen in 50% to 70% of patients. However, this situation is something merely temporary if the patient follows the advice of the bariatric surgeon.
Speaking specifically of patients with gastric sleeve surgery, this situation arises in them less frequently because it is a pure restrictive procedure, in other words, the absorption of ingested nutrients
Although the post bariatric patient may show loss of hair, this situation usually occurs during the first 6 months after surgery, with an average start of 2 to 3 months after the procedure has been performed, time after which we begin to see a recovery of the amount of hair until you reach a point where the you will have the same quantity and quality of hair than before the procedure, provided when adequate nutrition is accompanied by intake of supplements and suggested vitamins.
The main reason for hair loss after bariatric surgery is the drastic change in the patient’s nutrition and eating habits, which is even more pronounced if the patient does not eat the right quantity of nutrients and micronutrients needed during his/her recovery phase.
Also, the drastic reduction in the amount of calories absorbed and ingested is a factor which can not be completely changed since the aim of this procedure is precisely to provide an efficient tool for the patient to reduce significantly the amount of calories he/she eats in its daily life.
These changes in diet and poor monitoring by the surgeon may cause you to suffer from some protein deficiency, iron and other minerals like zinc and vitamin B. In addition, weight loss causes hormonal changes that are beneficial for health, nevertheless they are still changes to your body and hair reflects these changes.
Hair may begin to show changes in its usual appearance, being shorter, thinner and weakened from its root. Leading to a loss that may be minimal or a little more noticeable. As we have stated previously, this is a temporary situation that after six months, when the body stabilizes hormonally speaking, it will be completely reversed if during that time the food has been consumed adequately and necessary supplements have been used.
Besides the temporary disturbance of balance in calorie intake of the patient after bariatric surgery, consider that the surgery itself represents a form of "aggression" to the body, which in simple terms also triggers a series of events (hormone release/changes) that can contribute to such hair loss. That lasts only a few days, if the patient's recovery is right, this factor disappears soon, however the answer to this hormonal change can vary considerably from one patient to another.
Another factor that must be considered as possible cause of hair loss after gastric sleeve surgery (or any bariatric procedure) is emotional stress. So far we have focused on the hormonal and physical changes in the body because of what could be classified as own physical stress related to the procedure, but the emotional stress also plays an important role so it is advisable to seek to keep stress levels as low possible.

Thanks mom for loving and supporting me whole heartedly.
Chris, thanks for telling me you love even the parts of me falling out (hair).
Starting Now:
 I am a few Months into this so I will be posting on the 15th of each month and not weekly as not much happens day to day anymore.
1st of month will be my Monthly update on Stats
15th of month will be my Monthly Blog update.
+you will still see other posts on recipes or fun facts throughout the month.

Stay Tunes ~ Nat :)
Mind/Body Under Construction

Monday, April 25, 2016



Chicken Crust Pizza #nocarbpizza #bariatricpizza
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Round 2. My original idea was to keep it light, but after seeing our Facebook Support Group members creative toppings, I caved and made a Pepperoni Pie! WOW. The secret to this recipe is a Screaming Hot Preheated Oven... otherwise your chicken crust will steam and there will be lots of liquid and not a lot of browning. THIS RECIPE IS OFF THE CHAIN!
  • One pound ground (raw) chicken breast - about 3 small boneless breasts, chopped in food processor
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan
  • 1 cup freshly shredded part skim mozzarella
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Dried oregano
  • ½ cup prepared pasta sauce
  • Crushed red pepper flakes
  • 4 or 5 basil leaves, rolled and sliced
  • Toppings - lets not go crazy with fat - I used Molinari very lean pepperoni in paper thin slices
  1. Preheat oven to 450°F and line a baking sheet or pizza pan with parchment paper or foil sprayed with non stick vegetable cooking spray.
  2. In a medium bowl combine the ground chicken with ¼ cup parmesan, ¼ cup mozzarella, ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon black pepper, ½ teaspoon garlic powder and ½ teaspoon oregano.
  3. Mound the chicken mixture onto the parchment and pat into flat rectangle or disc. Cover with plastic wrap and evenly press or roll the chicken into a 7x10" rectangle or round. I use a rolling pin! Remove the plastic wrap and roast until golden, 12 to 15 minutes.
  4. Smear crust with sauce, scatter with ¼ cup Parmesan, ¾ cup mozzarella, layer with toppings and season with a sprinkle of crushed red pepper flakes and ¼ teaspoon oregano.
  5. Pop back into hot oven and cook until melted and bubbly 6 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven and scatter with chopped basil.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

APRIL 17 - APRIL 23 2016

APRIL 17 - APRIL 23 2016

What an interesting week.
I secretly fight constantly between rational thought and the old way of thinking in regards to the scale. The scale hasn't moved much as of late, and it still okay.

The rational part of me knows I'm absolutely gaining muscles, feeling bones Ive never felt before, and losing inches like a mad man. But the old me fights daily, hourly, minutely with the scale not moving frustrating me, and wanting me to emotionally eat?!?! Like that's a choice....I cant even get any more food in if I tried, but it makes me very aware those feelings are still present, and when my stomach heals I have to have this under control as I can not let this be a down fall of any kind. It shows me I still have so much work to do mentally.

It seems that the mental part of this journey is so much harder than the physical side of things. I knew it would be, I knew that it would be hard, but holy crap I didn't realise just how hard it would be to wrap your mind around the change. Its like your body s changing so rapidly in so many ways and your mind wont let it be seen to you. I know my body is changing, I feel it each day BUT when I look in the mirror I see that 326lb girl fighting emotionally to pretend I'm happy

Am I sad, not at all. I am so content with where I am, how I am doing, and all the personal bests I have come across. This new me rocks, and I love it. I know I'm a better person, its just hard some moments to see it. The struggle is real.

I kinda wish we didn't have a scale in life sometimes. Why must one be judged by what a scale says, why must we hold ourselves hostage to another's view of what is the 'right' amount to weigh, why can we not just get to a healthy place in our own bodies whatever that would be and be content. Its really a mental rollercoaster when you try to achieve what other people view as the right weight to be. I am glad I said right from the start that my goal weight was not relevant, that I had no goal for my weight loss, and that I was just trying to get healthy, lose diabetes, and live longer from being better each day. Its kinda perfect as I have already made huge dents in that, and I worry that sometimes, when people make goals they get disappointed if they don't make their goal, or their goal is so far away. For me I have great triumphs each day! Each day I notice changes and I love that aspect of this transformation.

So as you can see its a crazy aray of emotions each day, but so worth it.

My friend Laura and I went to Walmart, as I needed a few clothes, as I just needed a few pieces to get me through the next little while and their prices are ok. Its a hard thing, as you don't want to shop as your still changing but at the same time all you want to do it shop. I look funny know in all my clothes. They are so baggy, and nothing in being held in. I mean, my undies are only being kept on by the crotch area of my pants. kind sad, my bras are a free for all with boobs swinging and moving and just hanging as there is no support. So some cheap undies and bras a were a must, and it made all the difference. I also find its a bit of a mood booster. You gotta remember when you look in the mirror and you look like a frumpy mess as your clothes are hanging all over you really cant see what you actually look like, or how far you have come.
So back to Walmart. We were looking around and she said the dreaded words that left me frozen mentally standing within the clothing section of Walmart.
"Humour me and try on a smaller sized outfit"
My breath quickened, my heart pounded, and I felt like I couldn't move. My brain couldn't handle it, thinking so many negative thoughts all at the same time.
AND if that wasn't enough she said, lets try something on you from the REGULAR section, not the plus section.
ARE you kidding me, I was on straight meltdown mode, trying to act cool about it, but she pushed me, and my mind was frantic about how to get out of this, how to say no, and how to run and hide. All the fears I had ever had about clothing shopping flooded into my mind, and I thought I was having a panic attack, and anxiety breakdown, and I had so much doubt run trough me.

I immediately gravitated to what I was used to as far as sizing, grabbing onto the clothes I am comfortable with, and grabbing stuff off the rack to try on in a size smaller, and Laura was in the regular section grabbing clothes for me to try on. I told her I cant try them on, they wont fit, she said 'humour me', I said there is no way, 'humour me', I told her I need something baggy (old me), 'humour me'.
So there I was standing in the changing room with both my Plus size clothes and her 'Normal' Size clothes hanging in front of me, separated on each side of the tiny changing stall I was in. I stood in front of that mirror with my droopy undies and bra on staring at the mirror and was freaking out. I wanted to cry, and was trying to breath myself down, relax, and just be okay in the moment. I sat down on the bench, and just thought it out, begged for the rational side of my brain to step forward. Then began a conversation with myself...If I try them on and they don't fit I'm not a failure, I have come so far, and they will fit at some point, If I have to wear the plus size clothes for a while that's fine, I cant beat myself up over this, they may fit, they may look good, they may make me feel great. Why I afraid, why am I overwhelmed by this. I'm wasn't prepared, or didn't have totally control and I a working towards that in life so lets do this. I cant hide in here forever...I got this.....lets just try.
*Note when I started this I was between a size 26-28.
SO there I was, putting on the SIZE 20 pants, holding my breath as I stepped each leg inside, and slowly pulled them up (I made myself watch my face in the mirror). Before I knew it they were on...they were all the way up, and I just started at my face and noticed I was smiling. I was happy, I wanted to cry and laugh, and yell..."hell yeah".
I then grabbed a XL shirt and slid it on no problem....what the heck!
I honestly did a happy dance in that small little stall I was in. Then opened the door, walked out with pride and shook my booty for Laura. WHAT I was in a SIZE 20!
I cant explain that moment.
Did I feel uncomfortable....YES....only for the reason that I always wore clothes baggy, that hid all my issues, and these were form fitting and I could blatantly see all my issues BUT I was in them, I was in a SIZE 20. I was so happy Laura made me do that. She is such a good friend.

Here is some great new recipes I made this week.
Protein Balls which are 72 calories and perfect for after the morning at the track.
Oats, Peanut butter, honey, Protein powder, and choc chips

Mini Won Ton Tacos

Mini Won Ton Pizzas

This next week is a week of change, and I am ready for what is to come. It will be full of mixed emotions and I need to stay strong and get through it in my new way...without food. This week I choose working out. I will work out through all these feelings and become stronger on the flip side. This is also a joyous time, and I will take moments to rejoice in the moments, and find peace within me. Its a good year to be me, lots of change! whoot whoot, lets do this!

Stay Tuned ~ Nat
Mind/Body Under Construction

Monday, April 18, 2016



High Protein Fudgy Brownies (yep, sugar free too!)
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
These 'flourless' brownies are fantastic. I could tell they were going to be so good when I hit the button on the food processor and the batter was smooth, rich and very fudgy with a back flavor of mocha. Yum! Coffee lifts the flavor of Cocoa and since there isn't any flour to mute the cocoa... it shines!
  • Vegetable cooking spray
  • One, 15 ounce can black beans, well rinsed & drained (dry on a paper towel)
  • ½ cup Truvia baking blend, the kind in the bag
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 large eggs
  • ½ cup Dutch cocoa - smoother, richer, less bitter
  • 1 single serving sleeve Starbucks Via, ready brew instant coffee (really puts dish over the top, buy one at Starbucks!)
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup chopped sugar free or dark chocolate - you can also use mini bittersweet or semi sweet chips
  1. Spray an 8 x 8 inch baking dish with vegetable oil cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Puree the black beans in food processor until fairly smooth. Scrape down sides and add Truvia, butter, vanilla and one egg. Process until very smooth. Scrape down sides and add 2 remaining eggs, cocoa, Via, baking powder, salt and chopped chocolate. Process until well blended, scraping down sides and processing to a creamy batter.
  3. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake until toothpick inserted 2 inches from center tests done, 18 to 25 minutes. Cool completely before cutting into two-inch squares.



Cauliflower Crust Pizza. Super GOOD tasting!
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
The flavor of this 'Pizza' is fresh and mild and has a cheesy goodness with none of the qualities for which people usually dislike about cauliflower. Calling it 'Pizza' sets unrealistic expectations. It will not fool anyone BUT it does taste great! (sort of like Zucchini Linguini or anything with Spaghetti Squash) I think you will love it if you have reasonable expectations.
  • ½ a large head of cauliflower
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 large egg
  • ½ cup romano or parmesan cheese
  • ½ cup marinara sauce
  • sliced mushrooms
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
  • Crushed red pepper flakes
  1. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, brush with olive oil and preheat oven to 450 F. If you have a pizza stone, go ahead and use it but I have discovered that parchment creates a crisper crust. Parchment on pizza stone is ideal.
  2. Add the cauliflower, garlic, oregano, ½ teaspoon salt and a few generous grinds of black pepper to a food processor and pulse until finely ground to the size of uncooked rice. Add the egg and romano cheese and pulse until just blended and the mixture can be pinched and will hold together.
  3. Evenly spoon the cauliflower mixture into a 12 inch circle on the parchment paper and pack it down. (I cover it with another sheet of parchment or wax paper and use my rolling pin or a wine bottle) Bake until browned and very dark, even looking slightly crispy and burned at the edges, 10 to 12 minutes. Place another sheet of parchment on top of crust and another baking sheet and flip so the other side can crisp, bake another 8 to 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the crust from the oven, turn on broiler.
  5. Spread crust with the marinara, add the mushrooms and mozzarella. Sprinkle with a good pinch of crushed red pepper. Broil until bubbly with browned spots, about 4 minutes.
Cauliflower Pizza
4 servings
NOTE: a WLS portion is a ½ serving and contains half the per serving values listed

Nutritional facts per serving (daily value):
Calories 200.141kcal
Protein 13.34g (27%)
Total Fat 11.297g (17%)
Carb. 13.132g (4%)
Fiber 3.881g (16%)
Sugars 6.07g

Saturday, April 16, 2016

APRIL 10- APRIL 16 2016

APRIL 10- APRIL 16 2016

Cruise Wedding April 11 2015

Reflection is a funny thing. I look back to months before the wedding, and know I wasn't ready for change, knew that I didn't want to be one of those people (nothing wrong with) that worked out hard for my I wasn't in that mindset. I didn't want to give in to the pressures of the wedding body as I knew I couldn't healthily do it in the time I had, so I worked on the areas that would be visible with my dress which was a win win, as not much showed, and I didn't have to change my eating. I mean I cut back, and switched out a few things, but concentrated on my back looking good, and my arms, which looked awesome!
I spent so much time on those areas and neglected the rest which made for some great photos in the dress, but once the dress was off and I was in shorts and tanks...not so much. I remember being so sad with how I looked. It was the happiest time of my life, and yet underneath it all I was sad.
I remember thinking each day as we got off the boat, how am I gonna walk, how will I do this excursion, I'm surrounded by friends and family and have to keep up. I was thinking of each excuse I would/could use if I cant do it, if I cant keep up, if I need to sit and take a moment. The anxiety was overwhelming, as I was panicked the whole time about what I was going to do, how I looked and the amount of sweat that would be dripping from ONLY ME.
On the Ship, I didn't ride the waterslide out of fear of people seeing me in a swimsuit, I didn't do the rope course as I worried I would hold up the line or not be able to cross or be over weight and them not letting me go. I have missed out on so many things due to fear, and my idea of what others peoples perceptions of me are.
I'm not doing this anymore. Its almost disrespectful to the people in my life who love me unconditionally, and wouldn't judge me. I think when you are sad, and cant see past all your fears, and self-disappointments you think that people see you as you see yourself. Which is so wrong, and I am so glad that I am getting counselling to make me aware of this. and slowly day by day that sadness is sliding away, is becoming part f my past, and I can truly be free enough in my head space to just enjoy the people around me and what we are doing without the insecurities. Its odd that I thought I was confident before when I see now I am just finding my true confidence and happiness now, and nothing will stop me.

I've put together this list of tips on how to stop sugar cravings, because I know how powerful these urges can be. It's tough to fight them when they are raging away at your brain.
These tips are useful when first starting a ketogenic, low carb diet as they can help you get past the rough spots on your way to a better diet and better health.
Sugar cravings, like most addictions, are frequently the result of unbalanced blood and brain chemistry, and these tips help because they work toward correcting the imbalances.

Quick Blood Sugar Craving Fixes

  • Take 500 mg of L-Glutamine. This natural amino acid works by acting as a substitute for sugar (glucose) in the brain. Your brain can burn L-glutamine instead if it is low on sugar for fuel.
  • Eat 4 ounces of protein. Enjoy one of  these low carb smoothies, or make a quick tuna salad with canned tuna and some mayo.
  • Go for a walk. Daily exercise increases the amount of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in your brain. Higher levels of dopamine are associated with better moods and reduced sugar cravings.
  • Be patient. Sugar cravings only last about an hour or so. Find something that takes all your attention and get absorbed in the task. This will take your mind off them, and get you through until they subside.
  • For a longer term plan, you can also take some supplements that help your body with blood sugar control:
    • B vitamin complex and extra Biotin
    • Alpha Lipoic Acid
    • Zinc
    • Vitamin E
    • Chromium GTF

    All of these supplements are helpful for controlling blood sugar fluctuations.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Forever

I struggled with sugar cravings for years. I would get up in the morning and vow to myself not to eat anything sweet all day. That lasted for about an hour, and then the cravings would start. I didn't know then that the "healthy" high carb breakfast of juice and toast was driving my blood sugar crashes and subsequent sugar cravings.
So how did I finally rid myself of sugar cravings? I permanently lowered my daily carbohydrate intake.
A high carb diet is a sure fire trigger for sugar cravings. Eating high amounts of carbohydrates causes your blood sugar to spike, which causes your body to release too much insulin, which causes your blood sugar to crash, hard. These blood sugar crashes cause you to feel woozy or lightheaded, shaky, weak, irritable.
They set off intense cravings for sugar, because your body is trying to raise its blood sugar level back to normal. If you lower your carbohydrate intake, over time, your blood sugar will level out, no crashes will occur, and the sugar cravings will drop.
I can tell you from experience that this is not a temporary solution. If you start eating lots of carbs again, the cravings will return, and you'll have to start the process over again.  I know this because it happens to me every time I backslide and let my carb intake creep up.
Feb 2016 - April 2016

Stay Tuned ~ Nat :)
Mind/Body Under Construction

Monday, April 11, 2016






Here are ten super protein ingredients to easily sneak into bariatric meals for that extra protein kick. A few grams here and there adds up. Good habits for a lifetime!
1. Almonds, 6 grams of protein in 1 ounce (25 almonds)
Add slivered or sliced almonds to vegetables sauteed with salt and pepper. Add Parmesan cheese for even more protein and flavor.
zucchini sautéed with almonds for added protein and bariatric eating
2. Chia Seeds, 11 grams of protein in 2 tablespoons
Add a tablespoon of these power seeds to four ounces of juice or sprinkle on salads or fruit & yogurt
Chia seeds blended into Raspberry juice for bariatric eating
3. Cottage Cheese 15 grams of protein in 1/2 cup
Go savory with scallions and radishes for a protein snack or use as a filling for a single egg omelet
Cottage cheese is high protein bariatric eating
4. Egg, 7 grams protein in one large egg
Add chopped or sliced hard cooked egg to salads or to top vegetables or poach an egg in pasta sauce for a light meal
add hard cooked eggs to salads for extra protein when bariatric eating
5. Quinoa, 6 grams of protein in 1/4 cup
Add to sautéed or roasted vegetables to make a Mediterranean Vegetable Salad or take it a step further and add shrimp or beef
Quinoa at 4g protein per 1/4 cup is great for bariatric eating
6. Beans, 5 grams of protein in 1/4 cup
Add beans to any salad, stew, or soup
Taco Soup is high in protein and has good balance for bariatric eating
7. Broccoli, 4 grams of protein in one cup
Add to a stir fry, use as a side dish, or make Crustless Broccoli Egg & Cheese Pie for a big vegetable protein boost
Baked Broccoli with Cheese and Eggs, a perfect texture for bariatric eating
8. Edamame, 9 grams of protein in 1/2 cup
Make a salad with shelled edamame, a stir fry or use in soups or side dishes like this Edamame Succotash which is a stir fry of diced bacon edamame, corn, red pepper and red onion
Edamame Succotash for bariatric eating
9. Greek Yogurt 7 grams of protein in 1/4 cup
Use as a Vanilla ginger for fruit or a savory sauce for chicken or vegetables or stir into soup or a beef stir fry for a creamy beef.
Tender Beef Stroganoff uses Greek yogurt for creaminess and a protein boost for bariatric eating10. Parmesan or Romano Cheese 10 grams of protein 1 ounce
Add freshly grated cheese to top vegetables, soup, or salads but only a chunk of the real deal, Parmesan Regiano, Locatelli, or Romano will make a dish sing in Italian with lots of flavor as well as protein

BONUS: Most days with a busy schedule it’s just easier to pour 1/2 cup Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk into a glass, add a scoop of Inspire Dutch Chocolate Cake protein powder, stir with a spoon and go ‘Mmmmmmmm’ with that first sip.
Inspire Dutch Chocolate Cake Protein Powder

Stay Tuned~ Nat
Mind/Body Under Construction

Saturday, April 9, 2016

APRIL 3 - APRIL 9 2016

APRIL 3 - APRIL 9 2016

March 1 & April 1 2016

This last few days has been a write off and I am extremely frustrated by it. I want to keep this about weight loss, but realistically I need to explain. I was in a car accident a few days before surgery, and I am dealing with some extreme pain levels that have good days and have bad days. I struggle with this like I do with weight loss.
I have been going to physio, massage therapy, and even discussed the anxiety levels with my counsellor. Unfortunately I had been not doing household tasks which added to the stress of life. Not being able to do laundry, dished, sweep, any trivial activity takes its toll, and I found myself feeling down. Its hard to rely souly on Chris to get things done around house, and the 'things' us as woman do weren't getting done. I find myself snapping over stupid things, and getting mad at myself and taking it out on Chris. Not cool.
So anyways, the other day I just did stuff, I sucked it up, pulled up my big girl panties and started to do laundry, catch up on the piles of clothes and then I spent the last couple days in bed with the worst pains ever. Like 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. I am not going to go into details but the pain was so bad.
Before flying to Mexico, I asked Dr. Z if I would still be good to go for surgery and he said yes, and I have been determined up till this point to put my weight loss first, to continue through the pain to get up each day and concentrate on the day ahead, and not let the pain of the accident get in between me and my successes for weight loss. I'm frustrated that I have been stopped the last few days, I have not been watching my levels of food/water (still ok), and not been out for a walk. The pain is too much, to unbearable.  I go for massage today so I am hoping they can reduce some of this pain.
I am up today and not feeling dizzy anymore so starting tomorrow I am back at it.

This has been a so-so week. I mean I am doing so well with my WLS journey, but pain wise from my accident has been a challenge and its it frustrating. I had a couple days I could not walk as I was in so much pain, but I have to be okay with that. I know that I am on point all other days so I'm trying to be kind to myself. I think I'm irritated as when I set out on this journey I told myself under no circumstances would anything hold me back. When the accident happened I promised that no matter what pain I was in, I would not compromise my progress, and not sit on the sidelines pausing my progress. So I'm frustrated, as up until this week, I pushed through the pain....BUT I am trying to stay present in the moments, and learn that my body isn't wonder woman material as of yet, it a progress, under construction, and fall backs or brief pauses are not the end of the world. I'm moving in the right direction.
So not to dwell on are some fabulous things that are going on.
-I realised at some point this last week that I am far better off fit wise than I thought I was. I kind of snapped into a thought process the other day while out for a walk that I wasn't dreading each step, that I had walked further than I ever had willingly, and wasn't out of breath. Not sure when this happened, but I stopped, paused in my tracks and really thought about what that meant. I did it, I went past what I thought my goal was. I was walking, not huffing and puffing, and really enjoying each moment. I'm proud of that.
-So about 1.5 months ago I noticed my belly wasn't touching the steering wheel which was awesome. But the other day I actually moved the seat up towards the steering wheel, as I realised I actually had positioned my chair back to fit my belly....which is scary really. I wasn't at the position that was best for safety, where I could reach the gas peddle properly. SO I adjusted my seat up to where It really should sit for me to reach properly....AND my belly still didn't touch the wheel. That is fabulous.
-I'm sometimes getting in more than 1 workout per day. I go to the pool (which I was advised to do for my injuries as well / hot tub) and do lower body kicking, or riding bike on a noodle, and then later walk Bailey as well...without being disappointed about it. My rule of thumb when I set out was to get her in shape too. We both had things to work on. Bailey had gained weight as well due to me not working out with her. SO I owe it to her to get her healthy as well. So I cant go to the pool, and then not allow her to get a work out in, so I do two. And it is fantastic.
-At the pool, I was kicking along and my skirt bathing suit fell to my knees. Embarrassing yes, but awesome all at the same time.
-All I crave is veggies. It almost sucks that I get so full from the protein, that I barely get 2-5 green beans, but I am loving them. The beans right now are so delish.
-I got 700 Calories in.....was so stoked. Its all about juggling stuff around, when you eat what, when you drink, and how to fit it all in. I'm am so happy with where I am.
Because of my injury I am off for a bit longer, so I am going to use this time to reach some new goals. I am still going to work on getting my injury better/stronger through physio, hot tubs, and rest. BUT for my health which also helps my injuries I will continue walking, and kicking at the pool, BUT also I have a few goals.
1. I will walk up Cobble Hill Mountain
2. I will walk around all of the Quarry
3. I will do the long loop around my neighbourhood.
I know I can do this, and I know that this is in my reality now...I just gotta do it.
Sometimes fear stops us from doing stuff like this, however I have learned to quite the negative part of my mind. I know I am stronger than I was last year at this time, probably the strongest I have ever been in my life. I got this, and I will bust it out.
I am more determined than I have ever been, and will make a difference and  pave the road fro those coming behind me. It seems so cliché when people say 'If I can do anyone can' and I used to hate those people who said that....and I wont say that, however when people are ready to break through their own fears, knock down their own ideas of what they can/cant do, and are set to change they will, and this has been the hardest, yet best moments of my life....and I'm not even finished yet!

Stay Tuned~ Nat
Mind/Body Under Construction