Saturday, April 9, 2016

APRIL 3 - APRIL 9 2016

APRIL 3 - APRIL 9 2016

March 1 & April 1 2016

This last few days has been a write off and I am extremely frustrated by it. I want to keep this about weight loss, but realistically I need to explain. I was in a car accident a few days before surgery, and I am dealing with some extreme pain levels that have good days and have bad days. I struggle with this like I do with weight loss.
I have been going to physio, massage therapy, and even discussed the anxiety levels with my counsellor. Unfortunately I had been not doing household tasks which added to the stress of life. Not being able to do laundry, dished, sweep, any trivial activity takes its toll, and I found myself feeling down. Its hard to rely souly on Chris to get things done around house, and the 'things' us as woman do weren't getting done. I find myself snapping over stupid things, and getting mad at myself and taking it out on Chris. Not cool.
So anyways, the other day I just did stuff, I sucked it up, pulled up my big girl panties and started to do laundry, catch up on the piles of clothes and then I spent the last couple days in bed with the worst pains ever. Like 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. I am not going to go into details but the pain was so bad.
Before flying to Mexico, I asked Dr. Z if I would still be good to go for surgery and he said yes, and I have been determined up till this point to put my weight loss first, to continue through the pain to get up each day and concentrate on the day ahead, and not let the pain of the accident get in between me and my successes for weight loss. I'm frustrated that I have been stopped the last few days, I have not been watching my levels of food/water (still ok), and not been out for a walk. The pain is too much, to unbearable.  I go for massage today so I am hoping they can reduce some of this pain.
I am up today and not feeling dizzy anymore so starting tomorrow I am back at it.

This has been a so-so week. I mean I am doing so well with my WLS journey, but pain wise from my accident has been a challenge and its it frustrating. I had a couple days I could not walk as I was in so much pain, but I have to be okay with that. I know that I am on point all other days so I'm trying to be kind to myself. I think I'm irritated as when I set out on this journey I told myself under no circumstances would anything hold me back. When the accident happened I promised that no matter what pain I was in, I would not compromise my progress, and not sit on the sidelines pausing my progress. So I'm frustrated, as up until this week, I pushed through the pain....BUT I am trying to stay present in the moments, and learn that my body isn't wonder woman material as of yet, it a progress, under construction, and fall backs or brief pauses are not the end of the world. I'm moving in the right direction.
So not to dwell on are some fabulous things that are going on.
-I realised at some point this last week that I am far better off fit wise than I thought I was. I kind of snapped into a thought process the other day while out for a walk that I wasn't dreading each step, that I had walked further than I ever had willingly, and wasn't out of breath. Not sure when this happened, but I stopped, paused in my tracks and really thought about what that meant. I did it, I went past what I thought my goal was. I was walking, not huffing and puffing, and really enjoying each moment. I'm proud of that.
-So about 1.5 months ago I noticed my belly wasn't touching the steering wheel which was awesome. But the other day I actually moved the seat up towards the steering wheel, as I realised I actually had positioned my chair back to fit my belly....which is scary really. I wasn't at the position that was best for safety, where I could reach the gas peddle properly. SO I adjusted my seat up to where It really should sit for me to reach properly....AND my belly still didn't touch the wheel. That is fabulous.
-I'm sometimes getting in more than 1 workout per day. I go to the pool (which I was advised to do for my injuries as well / hot tub) and do lower body kicking, or riding bike on a noodle, and then later walk Bailey as well...without being disappointed about it. My rule of thumb when I set out was to get her in shape too. We both had things to work on. Bailey had gained weight as well due to me not working out with her. SO I owe it to her to get her healthy as well. So I cant go to the pool, and then not allow her to get a work out in, so I do two. And it is fantastic.
-At the pool, I was kicking along and my skirt bathing suit fell to my knees. Embarrassing yes, but awesome all at the same time.
-All I crave is veggies. It almost sucks that I get so full from the protein, that I barely get 2-5 green beans, but I am loving them. The beans right now are so delish.
-I got 700 Calories in.....was so stoked. Its all about juggling stuff around, when you eat what, when you drink, and how to fit it all in. I'm am so happy with where I am.
Because of my injury I am off for a bit longer, so I am going to use this time to reach some new goals. I am still going to work on getting my injury better/stronger through physio, hot tubs, and rest. BUT for my health which also helps my injuries I will continue walking, and kicking at the pool, BUT also I have a few goals.
1. I will walk up Cobble Hill Mountain
2. I will walk around all of the Quarry
3. I will do the long loop around my neighbourhood.
I know I can do this, and I know that this is in my reality now...I just gotta do it.
Sometimes fear stops us from doing stuff like this, however I have learned to quite the negative part of my mind. I know I am stronger than I was last year at this time, probably the strongest I have ever been in my life. I got this, and I will bust it out.
I am more determined than I have ever been, and will make a difference and  pave the road fro those coming behind me. It seems so cliché when people say 'If I can do anyone can' and I used to hate those people who said that....and I wont say that, however when people are ready to break through their own fears, knock down their own ideas of what they can/cant do, and are set to change they will, and this has been the hardest, yet best moments of my life....and I'm not even finished yet!

Stay Tuned~ Nat
Mind/Body Under Construction

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