Saturday, March 19, 2016

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19 2016 Graphic Details

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19 2016.

Fabulous Flowers my Work Sent me. So gorgeous, and brightened my day.

SOFT FOODS, the start of this soft foods process has been rough. My body is completely rejecting food of any kind. The first meal, chicken and mashed potato's (protein first) was a disaster, and I mean the truth of the matter is I had 4 or 5 bites and I had stuff coming out all holes by an hr later. There is a thing that happens, that I had been dreading which is described as a foaming that starts coming up in the form of throw up. It isn't throw up consistency as you don't have much in you, but its like a thick flem, and you burp constantly as it works its way up and out. Now I'm not entirely sure if this is a result of the food, eating too much or just a reaction to solids?!!? Time will tell, I will keep you all posted as apparently this keeps up for some time...which sucks.
My breaky ever morning. A shake and a bowl of vitamins! yum

TUESDAYCONSTIPATION is the one thing I wasn't expecting. I have not had a bowel movement in forever. Its killing me esp. since you cant have any meds. Its dreadfully painful. In fact I am not even sure if in this whole month if I have had maybe 5 bowel movements. Its kinda a side affect from taking Carbs & Fiber out of your diet I guess. I asked my doctor and a few others from his support group and they suggest fiber supplements to help get me through the next little bit while my body reacts to the changes.
FOOD, I had been able to eat a few bites of real food, so that is fun. I went to Costco and prepped up on all the stuff I would need during this stage. Was there for so long reading all labels, finding the highest protein contents so I could get all my proteins in.
I find that eating real protein gives me more energy which I am thankful for.
I have finally got over the stall with my weight that I was at. The last 3 days I have lost 1lb a day, and I'll take that. I have been able to get my calories up to 600 which is awesome. Not sure if they still count if you are puking some of them back up?!?! Not sure on that, I must ask. Hopefully I keep the nutritional parts down. Once I am able to have a bowel movement I'm sure I will lose about
Prep Work: Soft food shopping. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN

Prep Work: Soft food shopping. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN

Prep Work: Soft food shopping. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN

Prep Work: Soft food shopping. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN

OMG Those WHISPS are amazing.
Today I took Chris mom, and my niece and nephew out for a walk, and we walked and walked. We did almost 4km which was a long walk. But it felt fabulous.

Today I went to the pool, and did a water fit class and just didn't over do it. I took it slow, didn't bounce a lot but went hard n my legs. I came home and made Turkey Pumpkin Meatloaf which is high in Protein, and low in Crabs. Oh gosh it smelled good. Cant wait to eat it.

1.5 lbs of Ground Beef, Ground Turkey, Ground Chicken.
1 cup of Pure Pumpkin Puree
Onions, Carrots (didnt add because of sugar), Peppers, garlic, sage, salt/pepper, 1 egg white, 1 cup of bread crumbs (but I subbed 1/4 cup of panko).
I added 3 scoops of protein powder.
Mix together and bake at 375 degrees for 45min if small muffin tins.

I have had an emotional week and was quite proud of myself for really concentrating on my eating, working out, and paying no sense to my feelings. A few months ago, I would have stopped at an fast food place and got a thing of fries by now, picked up chips on the way home, and drowned myself in a puddle of useless carbs. Looking back on it now, that's all I knew, get upset eat food that is bad for me. I not only didn't do it, but I have been in McDonalds, Dairy Queen, and several other fast food locations with the kids this week (Niece and nephew up for visit), and didn't even flinch. I brought my Protein shake with me. So getting back to the week. I have struggled emotionally this week. Everything that cold be wrong, or go wrong has. I am still frustrated that I am still bleeding....since surgery I have had my menstrual cycle which is hard enough with cravings, but when you physically cant eat it sucks. I still have not had a successful BM, which hurts now, I had a friend disappoint me, a mother in law upset me, my injuries from accident are so painful, and I am so over this puking after each meal. I know that all of the above body issues are normal at this stage, but just frustrated. The struggle is real, the fight to do the right thing is hard, so hard, and the emotional part of this sucks. I have been pretty optimistic but its just getting to met this week. I know I will recover, and get back to the happy me, and it to will pass, but I just need a moment. I have a counselling appointment today so that should help. Bill will lead me to the water fountain, and I will drink! On a positive note our Niece and Nephew were up this week staying at Jackie's house (Chris Mom), and I have got to spend a bunch of time with them, and it has been delightful. I had not really had time with them before so I really enjoyed the visits, getting to know them, and jus feel apart of their lives.

Bill (Counsellor):
Today at counselling we talked about a few things. My sleeve, the affects of the sleeve, my frustrating week, my accident and the emotional/physical toll on me, my stomach discomfort, my pain levels, my migraines, calm down exercises, breathing, and a few other things. I really had a rough week, and I knew he would make me see things differently. I am exhausted in so many ways. My body isn't getting enough which makes me weak, my mind is over active, and my pains from accident make it hard to concentrate. We worked on some ways to lesson the anxiety I am having, the worrying I'm fixated on, and pain tolerance. It was a good session.

Eating from sm side plates is so odd. Baked Sole/1 slice of cheese/1.5oz of apple sauce
2 oz Chicken Thigh/1/4 avocado/ Ricotta cheese

2oz of chicken thigh/2oz of Ricotta baked w/cheese
Today I have been working on getting all my water in. 2liters is a lot of Liquids. I had broth today to add water but seriously, how do you get it all in. I'm still way below my expected calorie count, need to get in all my PROTEINs and WATER. It doesn't seem there are enough 1/2 periods in the day to eat, wait, drink, wait, eat  etc etc.

I'm finding if I concentrate on one the other is lacking for the day. Yesterday I wanted to get more calories in, so I ate extra proteins like chicken, but in order to do so, I had to do it in several sittings...but then trying to get the water intake in...OMG its crazy. Full time job figuring this all out. So I know I didn't get enough water so today I am focusing on it, yet, am nowhere close to the Protein levels I need to be at. Anyways that is my rant for the day.
Most times as I have clearly stated before I am in such control over my life, who's in it, what I'm doing, how I feel etc, so to be so out of control with this whole new change it kinda annoying. Every once in a blue moon and opportunity comes around and makes you think about thing differently, way out options, look at all side of things, and hopefully have a sense of what is the right direction to go forward in. I am at a crossroads rationally knowing what I need to do to get to the end result, but full of doubts on wither or not I can get there. Sometimes being so mentally weak takes its toll, and you miss out on important things. You over think things trying to find the rational thought of what's right and wrong. All I know is I am sticking to this and going to give myself the chance to succeed and be the best me possible.
~Until next week xx

Stay Tuned ~ Nat
Body/Mind Under Construction

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