Saturday, March 12, 2016

MARCH 6 - MARCH 12 2016

MARCH 6 - MARCH 12 2016

Doesn't matter how slow you move as long as your are moving.

Yesterday I got up and just relaxed. I have been needing a morning of not doing anything. It was nice. Then Laura and I met up at my house and went for a fabulous walk. She called and said lets walk down to the bay, and from that phone call on I was trying to think of a way to get out of it, a way to convince her to go another way, to a another place. The issue is if we walked down this long steep hill to get there, we had to walk up and that scared the crap out of me. I have avoided that walk with everything in me for so long, and then I realised what I was doing and changed my thought process. I can do this, I have been through so much this last month, and my thought process has changed. I am up for challenges and don't want to be that girl on the side lines. By the time she got here I was ready to do this. And we did, The sun was out, the air warm, and we walked down to the bay, out to the pier, in a few shops, and back...and I made it. We walked up the whole hill and a barely flinched. We walked slow and steady, and I was a hot mess when we got to the top, but I was so proud of myself, and thinking wow, think of next year, and imagining how fast I will be able to do that, or with less huffing and puffing.
Then we got home and my friends were at my house, and Laura was my distraction as they set up a SPA afternoon for my birthday. It was so nice to relax, and spend time with the people I love. I was in some pain from my accident, and exhausted by this point but nothing can take away from the love in that room.

YES! I got to go in the water yesterday. I have been waiting for this moment forever it seems. I love a workout in the pool, and not to go in for such a long time was killing me. So yay, cleared for pool. I went to the gym first and did my 1/2 hr of walking on the treadmill, which I gotta say isn't as much fun as walking outside. Must invest in some music device, or have someone I love show me how to use this phone of mine for some music lovin. Anyways yes, walking on a treadmill seems so stationary when you could be outside in the OUTDOORS. BUT if I am going to pool might as well get it all done at the same time...right?!?!
It was nice to get in the pool. Didn't do much but float around today but it was fabulous. The hot tub eased my muscle pains a bit which is great before physio.
Another fantastic moment is the scale finally moved. yippi. Down another pound...I'll take it. This last week of a stall has been mentally exhausting. The mind hunger was hard to deal with, and my concerns I was doing something wrong....but alas the scale moved and that is awesome.
On Saturday I move to soft foods, which I have been slowly moving towards each day. I find the puree stage so hard. The texture is unbearable for me. I have tried, but in order to get my proteins in I have just eaten stuff like tuna, and just chewed in my mouth a lot before swallowing instead of pureeing it. Same same I think. I am starting some soft foods each day to get ready for my transition.

FRIDAY: *********** 1 MONTH OUT *************
So 1 month ago today I put all my trust in Dr. Z, and he has completely changed my life. It wasn't courageous to go to Mexico, It wasn't scary to have surgery out of the country, and it wasn't fear of the procedure. The fear I had was living another day like I had been living. Just a shell of a person, putting on a happy face around everyone I knew, letting myself become invisible even to myself, and so afraid if I didn't get healthy I wouldn't be around long.
**People ask me if I think I made the right choice, and the real question is how does it feel to have my life back and the answer is YES!
**The next question I always get asked is what's your GOAL?????
Well we all know how I feel about this question, I get it people need something to work towards, a place to get to, and an idea to keep them on target, BUT I wouldn't have gone across the world to have my stomach cut out of me if I didn't have my eye of the prize per say. My goal is health, is freedom from my body, and to get my life back.
STALLS, these are killin me, but I knew it would come and I knew it would make me feel this way. I'm glad I choose to go to Counselling so I could work through these issues I have. The scale started to move slowly again so that makes me feel better.
Bailey is getting her exercise as well. Loving it~ Up to the Cobble Hill Quarry.

For Patients, I have asked around and the average (everyone will be a bit different) seems to be as follows:
During the Broth (Liquid) stage expect to use 2lbs per day.
During the Pureed - Stall as your body gets used to food again
During the Soft - Expect to lose 1lb per day
...and from here on out it will fluctuate but begin to get slower.

I am finding I am able to get in more throughout the day but I have to concentrate on getting it in. I watch the clock and each hr I make sure I get something in, even if it is 2 bites...I get it in. I make sure I am trying to up my water each day, and I am still struggling getting all my protein in, but I am getting there. I am quite bored with food, as I seems to be eating the same things, Tuna, Cottage Cheese, Chicken, Soups, Yogurt, Beans, Broth, and the odd other thing. I'm finding having different spices on hand has been valuable for changing flavors up so Its not so repetitive.
**LEFT OVERS: The issue I have is left overs...I hate them, always have, and when you eat as little as I am, there is tons of left overs. A can of tuna last 3-4 meals. SO I just have gotten creative in how I prepare things, of not prepare. Eg: Open can of tuna, split into 4 small bowls, and cover. Then I mix ingredients only when eating...that way they are not like left overs. The struggle is Small problems sleevers have I suppose.
Tip: also after the liquids stage I was so done with protein drinks...Id been drinking them since Oct and was so done, however this week I re-introduced them back to me, which I think has helped with the scale moving again, and getting in more calories.
** CALORIES: I am getting approx. 400-450 Calories now which is good.
Tomorrow I start SOFT FOODs which I am excited about and have already got lots of recipes that people have given me which I will post on the next Post so I am excited.
WORKING OUT: I am getting in 1/2hr min walk a day now, and started back at the pool this week which I missed terribly. My Incisions are healed enough for pool now which is fabulous. I don't do much but walk in pool but that is plenty fine and anything on top of the 1/2 hr  walk is a bonus. NO STOMACH exercises until 2 months out which I am looking forward to, so I can get back to my water fit classes. Until then I will just keep moving.
I think that's all I have for this week.
I'm enjoying the ride and so proud of myself, and that makes everything okay!

See you next week!

Stay Tuned~ Nat
Body/Mind Under Construction

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a very good week indeed....Love ya xoxoxo
