Thursday, February 11, 2016

Feb 11 2016 - MEXICO

Feb 11 2016 - MEXICO

Well I barely got an hour sleep last night. I was so anxious, excited and nervous. A flood of emotions going through me and my stomach wouldn't stop making all sorts of random noises all night long. I am sure I kept the whole hotel up. I have a weird sense of calm at the same time. I have waited so long for this time to come. I started this process 7 years ago. 7 whole years, and although the location has changed where the surgery will be preformed, the idea that it is finally here is a bit overwhelming.

The countless hours of research I have put into this, and the chats with Doctors, surgeons, and professionals of all sorts have lead to this moment. My friends and family asking questions or wanting to talk to me about this really has been so helpful.
For so long very few knew about this procedure I wanted, probably a lot of people didn't know why I was doing this, and I am sure there are still people who wont understand my decisions, and I am okay with this. I have to be. Sometimes people just have negative opinions on things they don't understand, and I whole heartedly get it, as I am sure I have as well. But I am also sure if people take the time to ask me any questions they have they will understand it more.

I have to admit for the longest time with my own insecurities I had thought that I wasn't even going to share my story, let people in, tell them wheat I am doing, but somewhere along this long journey I found a confidence about myself. I began early on talking to people in WLS (weight loss surgery) groups online, and feeling comfortable with my choices. Some times it was hard, as a lot of people had bad experiences sharing, where family or friends were upset to the point of disowning them. There has been lots that faced fat shaming, name calling, and even physical abuse. But there were also the stories of people who had so much love and support around them and those stories were uplifting. Some people only told a few people, some only told family, but other say it was like a coming out of the closet moment where they exposed themselves to everyone. At some point I gravitated to that way of thinking, to the point of knowing I wanted to be completely transparent to everyone. The reason is quite simple really, but in tow parts. First I wanted to be able to help anyone else who could be in this spot in their life, showing them that it is okay, and second to live the best authentic life possible. I didn't want to wonder who knew what, what travelled through the grapevines, people being misinformed and really wanted to put it out there the way I wanted, with all the facts.

Once I decided on which procedure I wanted to do, it became hard to find a co-ordinator and doctor, as I am extremely picky but also second guess myself a lot. But I just listened to my gut instincts and followed my heart. Once you begin making these decisions the process becomes a bit overwhelming, as in the supports groups everyone has an opinion, and I appreciate them all, but its a lot of work reading through, gathering your own ideas, and then making decisions, BUT so worth the time invested into it. I have already been given names from Canada of reputable surgeons so I had it narrowed down and then really trusted my own instincts. I made sure I spoke to each of them, interviewing them per-say, and this is what led to my final decision, and I couldn't be happier.

I seemed to of gotten a bit off track. I suppose I am trying to calm myself down a bit, or not think about food, or just reflect on the last 7 years knowing this part of the journey is over. I am as ready as anyone can be for this. I have been working on getting my body prepared for a few months, and I am quite pleased with how I have done. Its here, the moment I have been awaiting for. I am so at peace with it all, and so happy all paths have led me to Dr. Z and his team. They are brilliant, and have really been exceptional every step of the way so far, and I really can not wait to meet them in person.

Well, off to get hubby up, and start making way back to the airport for our driver to come pick us up and take us to Mexico.

Go Light is the Co-ordinator group I chose to go with. They handle all travel arrangements for Dr. Z, hotel, driver, food, hospital admissions etc. So we have previously made arrangements prior to coming, that we would meet at the airport. We were given all information ahead of time as to who would be picking us up where, and what to expect so I was thrilled I knew everything ahead of time. So Irene picked us up from the airport to drive us across the boarder. Very nice lady, and super helpful with information. Her and her husband  moved from Arizona 4 years ago down to Tijuana and haven't looked back. For US/Mexico citizens  apparently it is okay to work or live back and forth. Odd considering all the hoopla over immigrants, and border patrols etc. Our car rental guy is born and raised in Mexico and crosses every day to work for the car company, as his brother has US citizenship?!?! Anyways Irene just loves it, makes trips back into the states to pick up patients, and shopping that she can not do in Mexico. They live on the ocean in a condo so she says life is great. She was more like a tour guide as we went along and made us feel completely comfortable. She gave us some water in the car which I was really happy with, as my supply was getting low,

Once we arrived at the Marriot our on site facilitator was there to greet us. So Irene handed us off to Andrea, who brought us in, helped us check in, showed us around a bit, gave us tips and advice, and let us know what go expect over the next couple days. I got apple juice, which I wanted to hug her for. After drinking only water the juice is the best I've ever had. We filled out all the hospital forms, consents, and contracts, and paid the remainder of the balance on the surgery. It was super helpful and I can see if someone wasn't as well travelled how it would put them at ease having someone stay with them while they adjusted. Andrea gave us my surgery time (11am Mexican time), and the process of getting to the hospital and starting the tests etc.
*In the am: you go downstairs to the lobby and let them know you need to go to the Florence Hospital and they get you a shuttle there. Easy peesy.

As for now, we are going to go for a walk, and get Chris some food. Then come back for a swim perhaps.

As for me: I am not nervous at all, more excited at this point and wanna get er done.
****Staying at the MARRIOT. The Walmart plaza is just down the road. If you take a taxi the cost is $3 US Funds each way. Went to pick up some apple juice and water. Great prices. We walked around the plaza for a while, lots of places to eat for your companion.
Gonna go relax and get ready for my big day tomorrow.

*Note: Type 2 Diabetics, Today my sugars have been extremely low, dangerously low. Check with your GP before coming on how to adjust your medications for when this happens. I found yesterday morning taking my meds I was shaking, dizzy, and lightheaded, even with drinking the broths. I took my testing kit everywhere, and my hubby reminded me several times to check #s. In the evening I only took half my meds, and a spoonful of yogurt to up my sugar levels a bit.

Stay Tuned
Nat ~Body under Construction

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