Monday, February 15, 2016

FEB 14 (Happy Heart Day) - 2 days Post Op ******FYI graphic details******

FEB 14 (Happy Heart Day) - 2 days Post Op

So I had a rough start to last night, and did several hours of walking to calm the gas down. One of my floor mates from Germany reminded me to take gas ex, which I promptly remembered I had in my bag. Hooked myself up to getting that in my body. This helped dramatically, and I got some sleep. Not much but enough to feel human again.

As I started sipping liquid yesterday I was up several times to go the washroom, although got talked to several times as I wasn't drinking enough...Principles office I go. It is hard though as each sip you take you feel it all the way down, but once it reached your fragile tummy it hurts so much. Kinda makes you not wanna do it.

So today I awoke to my IV being off, which was delightful as much as that IV stick kept me company if I was the only walking the floor, it really was a pain in the ass. Like an obsessed boyfriend always in the way, beeping at you, and almost tripping over him. Kinda glad to see it gone. Now if they would do something with this dreaded drain still attached inside and outside of me. It is really bothersome, painful and kind done with it.

I have done my walking, showered which is heaven, and now just awaiting the drain stuff so I can head back to our hotel. Love it and all, and met great people staff and patients but ready for some alone time in any bed that doesn't start with Hospital.

So my luck was short lived and the IV back on due to my low blood sugars...darn it anyways. I thought that sucker was gone for good.

Dr. Tania comes in to speak with me and go over my file, what needs o go to my doctor, what information I need to follow the next few days, and a package for me to take with meds, gauze, antiseptic spray, steri strips and other things to change my wounds for the next week each day. She went over how to do this all, what my belly should look like, and how to ease some of the gas pressure.
Rosa also came in and sat with us for a bit and chatted. We gave her the gift we had for her, and she was so happy. Amazing woman and I will not forget her.

Dr. Tania comes back to.......drum roll please.......take out my drain. The vain of my existence, the worst part of this whole journey and the reason Temporarily became a boy with this dangling ball flopping all over the place as I walked. Picture to follow.
Anyways back to the removal. First she prepped the whole stomach and took out all my staples for my 4 small wounds which was pretty cool to watch and see my wounds for the first time. Then came the Drain. So Dr. Z uses a drain as a tool to make sure you have no leaks or anything wrong with your belly. Lets go back a few steps, he puts your safety first by a series of leak tests. He preforms one on the operating table, one the next morning, which involves XRays as you drink a clear fluid, and in the afternoon a 2oz blue solution that he can check in your drain if there is any issues once your liquid stage begins. Back to the drain. The drain gets heavy, which pulls on your stomach where it is put in and gets emptied several times a day. This just holds all the liquid and blood mixtures that your stomach would have in it from the surgery. Reminder, your stomach was cut open and put back together. It too has fluids, and the drain is a way for the nurses and Doctors to make sure the liquids come out are the right ones.
So getting this removed is a big deal. I hate that drain ball of pain. Its like a messed up torcher device. It goes in pretty far which is why you are in so much discomfort with it in. So you take a deep breath and she slowly pulls it out.
***Take a deeper breath than expected. My bad, and I was out of air before she finished.. take a few seconds to get it all out, but the relief of it gone in instant.
Dr. Tania then explained how to now care for this hole in the side of your stomach and I was all good. She also gave me the updates Go Light eating plan and diet so I could follow along and know at what points in the next 6-12 month I could add what foods.
By the looks of things, gonna be hungry for a long time. SO those that know me get used to my stomach noises cause they are loud and hilarious.
Rosa comes in and tells us our ride has arrived, however one problem I showed her my arm...still attached to my IV. She said oh no, and a bunch of words in Spanish as she went running down the hall way. Within seconds a nurse came in and let me free, an we were good to go. Poor Chris having to carry everything. You can NOT lift over 2.5 lbs for quite some time. All the other patients came to say good bye and the nurses and staff came round on our way to elevator to see us off and say good bye.

We got back tour hotel and got settled. Its Valentines Day, and boy do the Mexicans love their Valentines. The place was packed, with locals going for lunch, checking in, hanging out, everyone was wearing red, pink or white, all gals had roses, chocolate or teddy bears. Like everyone. We looked so out of place walking in like hobo's off the street who just spent day in the hospital. Anyways was kinda nice to see. I don't celebrate Valentines Day but was really nice to see the local traditions and how the people here really loved there day. They were extremely touchy feeling, kissing and hugging and it was nice to see. I told Chris to take a look around for some tips. lol
Our co-ordinator Andrea came to greet us returning and went over a few more things with us, brought me some protein drink power and apple juice which is super helpful. She spent some time with us before heading to meet another client. We ordered lunch to room service, Chris had a burger and I had .....drum roll....surprise.....broth. I must say everyone on Dr. Z support group was right on the nose as far as how good the broth is here. I got to get to the bottom of this recipe. I finally pegged down the taste. You know the smell of a buttermilk biscuit coming out of the oven. That is how this broth tastes. I'm in Love.

****One thing I find is I am extremely nervous drinking or sipping. I am so worried about in taking too much at one time, but also not being able to get my 2 liters in and having the onset of dehydrating. It is hard, there are so many rules, don't let air in when drinking, don't drink more than 2oz at a time but in small sips only, drink every 10 minutes, get 2 liters in a day, don't lay down until 30 minutes after drinking, drink, drink, drink. If you sip to much or get more than the space allows you throw up. I know its inevitable, as it is different for each sleeve patient, and your body 'sleeve' will or wont tolerate certain foods anymore, but I really don't wanna throw up. I know I will but I don't want to.

***Still not where I should be for liquid in take. I can not get more than 2-3 spoon fulls of broth down and probably only have drank approx. a cup of fluids today instead of the 2liters, but hoping tomorrow is better.
***Also just checked my Sugars and they are extremely low. 3.8. So I am going to get down a bit of the jello they brought me so hopefully this will help with that.

Here are a few Photos thus far:

The Famous Dr. Z himself before surgery. Love this guy!

Me leaving for surgery.

My Hospital room. There is a bed beside where Chris is sitting for him.

Rosa doing some laps walking with me. She is the Floor "mom'. Amazing lady.

Me walking the floor all night long. Back and forth getting rid of gas pains.

Stay Tuned~Nat
Body Under Construction


  1. You sure are making us all feel more comfortable with this Blog Nat, I am learning a whole lot and am amazed by this whole procedure.....Love you, keep up the good work.....xoxoxo

  2. What an amazing journey, Nat. I'm so glad everything's going well for you. The medical staff is amazing and all the other people connected to this adventure. Looking forward to seeing back on Canadian soil. Take care. Suzanne xoxo

  3. Thanks Momma Sandra, and Suzanne. I am happy people are reading this.
    A lot of Pre-Op patients are feeling more educated after reading this as well so it makes me feel great. Glad you are enjoying my journey! Love you both xox
