Friday, February 19, 2016

FEB 19 2016 *HOME*

FEB 19 2016    *HOME*

Its been a few days since I have written, and that's because it has been a whirlwind of activity. Last spoke to you all when I was in Tijuana so have lots to share. Our driver Irene came to the Marriot to pick us up, and e began our Migration North.

The border on the way to Tijuana was just that a border, not really any sense of security happening, as you drove through as if it were a Sunday drive and you were sight seeing. Didn't even stop, so no photo ops. On he way home on the other hand the line ups to get into the USA were crazy, and the people everywhere were nuts and security a definite presence. It was kinda a circus, with a heightened level of authority if that makes sense. There were people knocking on windows trying to get you to buys one last thing on Mexico, there were vender's everywhere, buskers putting on shows for $$, but at the same time, Border security walking around all cars with dogs, big guns, and very serious. Kin of a willy wonka moment for me. Luckily, as Go Light drives people they had special passes to skip line ups, and travel through without much problems.

*WLS Patients: Be ready when you cross: You will need to know the names of all the Meds prescribed for you by Dr. Z, any meds you pick up while there, all shopping keep sakes, and any alcohol or cigarettes you purchase even if the packs are open. I wasn't prepared and this cold cost you time while you rummage to find the meds etc, so I suggest writing it all down on a piece of paper before leaving hotel.

San Diego bound. We found our hotel which was right down town in Little Italy. Let me just remind you that I cant eat, and putting a girl in the middle of her favorite ethnic food if pretty much the worst torture you could do, but I survived. We got settled, and then I needed to get my walking in, and boy did we. We walked all the way down to Seaside Village, checked out the shops (I can neither confirm or deny that I bought a purse, but lets just say I did....Its FABULOUS), all along the water before venturing back to Little Italy for dinner.

Dinner: So I quickly realised I'm not eating for a fat person anymore. The waitress was so nice and adjusted the menu to fit my needs, and the chef made me a Tortilla Soup with all broth, only problem was I ordered a large bowl and it was HUGE. I got down about 6 spoonful's. I also ordered a hot chocolate and managed 2 sips. So complete fail on Sleeve stomach and a waste of money. However I thought wow, a few months ago I would have finished that and had some of Chris's food. Crazy thought. So I packaged up a bit of the broth for later. Mental note, I cant order like that anymore. Although back home I could order that and be set for a week.

We turned in for the night as it was gonna be a long day tomorrow. And it was.
ALARM goes off at 5am, we are at airport by 6am, on flight by 8am.
Seattle Bound. Once we hot Seattle and our flight had changed again, and we found ourselves sitting in the airport for just shy of 4hrs. However, I used this time to get some smoothie in, do some serious walking to get that in, and then just relaxed a bit. It went by rather quickly. Chris had some lunch.

**I gotta say today at the airport with all that food around was the first time I was bothered by the smells and urge to eat. I had a hard time with this. I found myself talking through it though, and kept repeating, I cant be hungry, I have no hunger gland left, its a mental thing, my brain remembers and wants this, my body doesn't need it. Its a struggle, its real, and its so hard when your addiction is surrounding you. There is no escape from food, its going to be part of your life, you just have to cope. You have to realise you now have to eat to survive, feeding your body what it needs and not wants. Its overwhelming, and your brain is a hard thing to turn off. I kept telling myself to be kind to myself, as I was so upset almost for being hungry, and frustrated that I couldn't block it out, but I'm still learning and will be for a long time.

Victoria Bound. I see those North West Islands scattered across the Juan De Fuca Straights and I know I'm home. As we fly in, the sky opens up, the sun is shining and we fly through a rainbow. Sounds like a fairy tale doesn't it, well it was exactly what happened and it was stunning. We land, go through customs, and are greeted not only by my mom, but Laura, Steve and the kids came too which was a huge surprise. It was nice to be home.
We drove the 1ish home and got settled. My dad was there as he stayed with me puppy. OMG it was so good to see her. Once we are settled the first thing my dad says is what's for dinner? Do you want to order Chinese food? I just stared at him. Really?!?! Then I realised just how amazing Chris had been with my eating, with eating with me, supporting me and cheering me on. I also realised that it wasn't just me that had to change, but the people around me. Getting together now cant revolve around food, the rewards cant be related to food, and the time spent together cant involve food (at least until I grasp this change).

I couldn't wait to get into my own bed!

This morning I am feeling great. It was amazing sleeping in my own bed, just me, Chris and Bailey snuggled in between us. It was amazing. I'm quite sore from an injury I sustained before leaving, however surgery wise I am perfect. No pain at all today, except when I eat (drink) but that is to be expected.

*Started taking my Vitamins again today. WLS vitamins:
Zink, Omega 3, Biotin, Vit D w/calcium, Multivitamin, and B12. All in liquid or chewable form, which your new stomach can handle.
*Some do Liquid form, shot form and some do Vitamin Patches.
Just remember if take orally chew chew chew, and it will take a long time to get it all down. I had to do it in two sets this morning as my belly was full after a few vitamins with Protein shake. So note that the eating process if a lot slower. Allow more time in morning to get it all in.

The rest of the day went well for my belly, and I managed to get in almost a liter today which is epic. I feel good. no pain from surgery. I'm really struggling just with my accident pains but surgery no problem.

Stay Tuned~ Nat :)
Body Under Construction

1 comment:

  1. So great to finally hear something from you....What your Dad said made me laugh, Sorry :) I would be him, just a natural thing, dinner time lets eat..He will adjust as will all your family and friends but you will have to be patient with them/us/me......Seems you handled everything just great yesterday. I know what you mean about the Boarder Crossing, it's just crazy with the guys with the guns and long line's. Would like to visit next week if your up to it.....Love Ya..xoxoxo
