Saturday, February 20, 2016

FEB 20 2016

FEB 20 2016

Down 3 more pounds. YES!!!!

People are funny. I am on a few support groups and one thing that really surprises me, and sadly doesn't all at the same time is how cruel of a world we live in. Some people really struggle with horrible bullying, peoples acceptance and fat shamming that shouldn't be tolerated. I am so lucky that I surround myself with the people I do, that love me unconditionally. I realise some people who know me may not get my choices or even think I'm off my rocker, or even may say stuff behind my back, however I am a confident enough person to know their thoughts or words don't matter. I worry about people who are not confident enough, I see their pain through words, the way they talk of no love or support, and it breaks my heart. A lot of people I met in Mexico had not even shared their story with loved ones, or friends, or no one. They are doing this solely on their own, and that is so sad. I chose to be transparent for me, as I knew it would help my journey, and make me accountable, but not live a lie...but that was for me. I respect all in their choices, I just wish I could unread the fat shamming comments or have a talk with those people making them. I have no problem calling them out. It irks me, not only that we live in a world where this still exists, but that people hurt so deeply from it. And also all the comments I am reading about this being the easy way out. People just don't understand and this is where those thought processes come from. I think these people are just un-educated on the journey, and think you go for surgery and that fixes everything. Well rest a sure, this journey isn't the easy way out. Read my blog and you will know this is the toughest thing I have ever done. The will power it takes is mind blowing. You still fight for every pound you take off. I was talking to one lady who was getting it pretty bad, and she was so defeated and wanted to turn to cake, and I let her know they would win if she did that. Its not about the cake, but the mental/emotional part of being mad fun of that needs comforting....and food cant be that comfort anymore. Sometimes people need help, need assistance and for everyone on this journey if it were as easy as just eating salad, and exercising I'm sure we would have a world of skinny or healthy people. Its not that easy, and some of us need that bit of help to get us healthy. I am so lucky I have people around that get that, are patient with me, and will hold me when I have weak moments. All I can do is be a support to those feeling it, and make sure they know someone cares.

So last night I woke up in the worst pain. I think now that my belly is feeling good, I finally am getting into some deep sleep, and I must have moved wrong, and oh the shooting pain was brutal (I'm sleeping propped up due to a car accident injury so I'm esp. uncomfortable), and luckily subsided pretty fast with some deep breaths.

This morning my sugars were low and I felt weak and tired. No energy so I made a chocolate shake with a scoop of peanut butter. This will help my energy and give me extra protein I need.

Going out to get my 1/2hr walk in around Walmart today so I can pick up a few things.
Walk complete, plus a walk later with dog and Chris.
Chris tried to re-create the Bean Broth we had in Mexico, not quite the same but enough to make me love him so much for trying. It doesn't matter it is still delish, and a change from turkey. YUM. When done we will puree the beans for that stage.

**Now that I am back from Mexico, I will go back to writing once a week. I'm sure you'all would get mighty bored with hearing about another day of liquids I drank. At least each week I'll have more to report.

Thanks for following me on my journey!

Stay Tuned ~ Nat :)
Body Under Construction

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