Saturday, February 13, 2016

FEB 12 2016 ******* SURGERY DAY *********

FEB 12 2016 ******* SURGERY DAY *********

First thought of the day is I wish I had slept more.
I think I woke up each hour and looked at the clock.
Nerves are starting to become a reality. Up until now I have been pretty okay and talked myself out or down from anxiety attacks. Its easy to keep yourself calm while having others to talk to, letting them know its all good, and keep a brave face so they are reassured the surgery will be fine. Now though, since last night I am starting to feel a bit nervous. Not at all in Dr.Z abilities, just the fact I am going into surgery today. Any surgery would make me nervous.
Been awake since 4am, just laying there thinking of a million thoughts, glad I did my will, will Chris know what to do it something goes wrong, how excited I am to meet Dr.Z in person, what my life will be like from this point on, how cool it would be if I could reverse my Diabetes and live a long healthy life, what if something goes wrong, what if It all goes right. My busy little brain is overwhelmed.
No wonder I still have a head ache. I was also thinking of how I will really survive the next month on no food. That occupies a lot of my thinking time. I mean can a human survive that long without food and just liquids, clearly its been done by every patient before me, but how weak must that leave a person, how mentally exhausted, and how on earth will it be not to have a hunger gland. I guess the physical part will be taken care of and I must work on my mental brain hunger now. Stop the insanity of thinking I am hungry.

I will try today to take as many pictures as I can to post at a later time (although I have left this task up to Chris, so we will see how that plays out), and try to mentally remember all I do today (before being out) to blog so others can see the stages of what happens.

-No FOOD (lol) or WATER from midnight last night.
-Get up, packed, and in lobby checked out for 7:45am
-Tell the Concierge we need the shuttle to the Florence Hospital.
* (a few bits about surgery in Mexico. They cater so much to medical patients from USA, Canada, and international guests that they have shuttles leaving each morning to all the different medical facilities around town. They are prepared for all 'meal' medical diets in the main dining room. We came in said we needed 'Go Light' meal and they didn't flinch an eye. Sat us down, gave Chris a menu and brought me my broth and water. Last night we were in a regular hotel room, but on the flip side we get moved up to the medical floor of the hotel. They have 2 whole floors for medical patients, and this is at most hotels in the area. I will remind you we are at the Marriot, and it looks like a 5* hotel)
-Once we arrive at the Hospital we will be taken to our private room, where we will be admitted to the hospital. It has a normal extra bed for Chris.

-Shortly after arriving at hotel we meet the famous Rosa, who did all our checking in. She is like the floor mom, and looks after all your needs while in the hospital.
-The my blood was drawn. took forever as my veins are elusive.
-Then my nurses got my lovely white compression socks on, which I think I rocked. You don't feel as much of  tool when everyone on the floor is wearing the same.
-My IV was started with a Saline drip....first food in
-The Dr. Z himself came in for a visit, and he is every bit as amazing as I had anticipated. His bed side manner is so good and right from the start treated Chris and I like family, not just a patient. He went over the procedure again, what was to be expected and just chatted about life.
-Then I was taken down for a chest and stomach XRay.
-Once back to room. we waited for go time. I was scheduled for surgery at 11am, but actually went in for 12:30pm, so really not that long of a wait. I was the first one for Dr Z today.
***Must note, that I am allergic to almost all medications, and in Canada have been given these multiple time in error, even with alert bracelet on. Here everywhere I went wither the person administer meds or not was told of my allergies which was very comforting.

- One of my nurses and OR team came to get me for the big moment.
-The anesthesiologist talked about my allergies with me in the operating room, and how I was waking up. I let me know I was never good at waking up from being put out and he assured me I would be this time. A treat for me he said. Next thing I knew I was out.
-I awoke back in my room, with Chris staring at me. I had my IV on one side of me and an oxygen tank on the other side. I must tell you that it was indeed a real treat. The first time ever not waking up and throwing up, and being ill. He is my hero. I need to bring him back to Canada.
-Dr. Z had come to talk to Chris and let him know all was good, and I had no complications.
-Chris called and talked to the people who requested calls when I was okay.

FORTH STAGE: Post Op hours
-Walk walk walk, they want you up out of your bed within the hour. Slow and steady. The first time up I made it 10 feet and got sick. Reminder I did this with no meds so my experience may be different that others. The pain was intense for me, and I had a hard time. I was quite nauseous from the get go. Chris has been a rock star, and been so helpful. There are several things I wouldn't be able to do without him here. I highly suggest bringing someone if you have special circumstances. For me not having pain meds, means I am in a lot of pain from and needed him for a lot of things.

Well getting ready to turn in for the night, as I am exhausted, sore and need rest.

Stay Tuned~ Nat
Body under construction

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a journey and it's only just begun. You write so amazingly that I feel I am either YOU or right there with YOU....What you say about Dr.Z, his staff and the Anaesthesiologist, just make me want to meet them....I just Love the way they are helping you and keeping Chris informed.....Once again you brought tears to my eyes Baby Girl...Love you so so much....xoxoxo
